• 0-1:45 grasslands, sky, nomads and caravans, a multicolored multitude assembling, a steppe coronation (scntfc composition for this project 'the plains')
  • 1:45 - 3:49 the fragility and warmth of human voices, ritual and ceremony (god yu tekem laef blong mi, hans zimmer, from the thin red line soundtrack)



    AUDIO 02 09 space race

  • 0 - 1:01 electricity, chemistry, machines, powerlines reaching to the horizon, a civilization industrializes (scntfc composition for this project 'sovietskis')
  • 1:02 - 2:59 a naive old-timey dream of a journey to the stars, a tolstoy/verne/star trek novel about space explorers and colonists that became a popular musical play that became an early silent film, an inspiration to rocket scientists, engineers, exploreres and pilots (star trek symphony, tony bremmer 'is there no truth in beauty')
  • 2:58 - 8:22 meanwhile, in the secret recesses of the governments in the three superpower nations, an existential threat is discovered and top secret plans are put into motion to prepare for the future. in remote uninhabited locations at the ends of rail lines rockets are built and tested. in seemingly disused hangars, strange new aircraft are built and tested under cover of darkness. telescopes are trained on the sky, keeping an eye on the incoming threat, searching for a suitable cradle world. great strides are made. a rocket, then a dog, then a person are sent into space. a 50 year plan of research and construction is set into motion, a plan that will eventually yield a cathedral sized space ship secretly in orbit above the earth, with a destination across the abyss of space. (danny elfman, from the score to the film standard operating procedure)


    AUDIO 03 01 pilot project pt1

  • 0 - 3:10 young people in a kind of aviation boy scout / girl guide society are recruited for 'special flights', they board a train and travel to the ends of the earth, they are set up in cabins and barracks at an airfield, they do drills, march, run obstacle courses, fly trainer planes, and the recruits that measure up move on to a new battery of tests... centrifuges, oxygen deprivation, pain, focus, various emergency simulations, more drills, more running, more obstacles courses, more flight tests, they are evaluated by instructors and government dignitaries and a few are chosen to proceed (alexander desplat 'heroic weather conditions of the universe' from wes anderson's 'moonrise kingdom')
  • 3:15 - 7:40  a strange new aircraft is revealed that looks like something out of buck rogers, with a seemingly inexhaustible fuel supply, new recruits hop in and go for joy ride / test flight... montage?! fun times!?! (caribou/daphni 'yes i know')
  • 7:40 - 11:10 more joyrides, races, competitions, fun times around basic flight and ship handling, radiosports (beastie boys 'futterman's rule')
  • 11:10 - 14:20 the new recruits have been moved to the coast for some maritime training, they arrive at the new training location, move in and get familiar with the facilities (alexander desplat 'heroic weather conditions of the universe' from the film moonrise kingdom')
  • 14:20 - 18:53 more funtimes in flight, this time over water, dealing with waves, weather and islands, bit more intensity/more stakes (daphni/caribou 'jiao')


  • 0-8:55 eerie long distance multi-day / survival mission (solar fields remix of FEZ song 'puzzle')
  • 9:00 - 12:30 fun times, competition/race/whatever (beastie boys 'root down')
  • 12:30 - 17:30 stakes are higher, government dignitaries taking a closer interest, another series of tests, the selected few will be chosen for the mission... which it turns out is to explore a new world, the heroes are revealed to the public, there are parades in their honor and a grand celebration before they are loaded into a rocket, put to sleep and the mothership sets off (alexander desplat 'heroic conditions of the universe' from 'moonrise kingdom')
  • 17:30 - 17:53 eerie dream monster sound (scntfc)



4_0_0 1000 year dream journey.mp3

"a thousand years passed while you dreamed, and while you dreamed this song played, and played, and played"

You fall asleep, a pilot is put into a capsule, the capsule is loaded onto an aircraft, the aircraft travels to space, docking with a mothership, the capsule is loaded onto the mothership. At length, the mothership leaves the cradle world behind.  The pilot dreams for a 1000 years while fragments of identity, experience, culture, history and heavenly, hazy abstract structures swirl around. 

  • (temp) Music: Primarily "Skytown" from Metroid Prime 3 from Nintendo, with a bit of Danny Elfman's Standard Operating Procedure score at the start. 






4_0_1 planetfall

"deep breath... ok, that's it... here we go

it's ok, that's your heat shield

 it's ok, this is normal, this is expected, this is nominal

and as the clouds grew closer, the pod split, revealing a scout ship

which tumbled down through towering clouds"

  • (temp) Music: "Journey To The Line" by Hans Zimmer from The Thin Red Line.





4_0_2 brine & explore

"this thick suffocating brine"

"and suddenly you're above the clouds, you can see to the horizon, and it's a beautiful morning"

"home, safety"

  • (temp) Music: "Pale Fire 01" by Scntfc & Morgan Kuhli.
  • (temp) Music: "Cirlces" by Alexander Desplat from The Tree of Life.
  • Music: Bivouac sketch by Scntfc.





4_0_3 dream of sagan 

"we look at the sky, at the stars, at the gas giant hanging there, and other moons"

"we hear a famous speech by a famous scientist and leader, who propelled the pilot projects, the initiative that lead to this moment"

  • Music: "Saints of Infinity 09" by Scntfc with Carl Sagan.





4_0_4 day two

"morning. we're in a tent. we hear the wind outside. we exit the tent, squinting at the light

a sparkling dew covers everything, the air is fresh, smelling of unfamiliar flowers, the rising sunlight is pleasantly warm in the cool"


"we enter a valley darkened by the edge of a storm

faraway we see something churning

as we approach we see it, a sky whale, grazing a forest, kicking up great steams of debris"

  • Music: Dawn/Morning, sketch by Scntfc
  • (temp) Music: "A Planet" by Marc Streitenfeld from the score to the film Prometheus.
  • (temp) Music: "Clouds" by Alexander Desplat from the score to the film Tree of Life.
  • Music: Dusk/evening (flautando) sketch by Scntfc.
  • Music: Bivouac sketch (harp duet) by Scntc. 





4_0_5 storm day three milestone

"we decide we're going in

the energy of the tornado is the only thing we're aware of

we're being blown, sailing through pockets of turbulence

we need to get across the valley, but to do so we need to get close to the funnel"

  • Music: Excerpts from Scntfc's brine.
  • (temp) Music: "Going in" by Marc Streitenfeld from the score to the film Prometheus.
  • (temp) Music: "Too Close" by Marc Streitenfeld from the score to the film Prometheus.
  • Music: Late morning after a storm (landing group midday) sketch by Scntfc. 
  • (temp) Music: "Outro" by M83 from the record Hurry Up, We're Dreaming.







5. THE FAR FUTURE (secret)


5_0_0 the far future



  • (temp) Music: Pilot Priest
  • (temp) Music: "Tick of the Clock" by Cliff Martinez from the score for the film Drive.






3.1 Sovietskis. Tolstoy. Industrial Revolution.

3.2 Star Trek Symphony. Jules Verne. Captain Kirk. Voyage to the Moon.

3.3 Standard Operating Procedure. Lovelock. Skunk Works.

3.4 Pilot Mixtape 1.

3.5 Standard Operating Procedure Dogs.

3.6 Pilot Mixtape 2.

3.7 Standard Operating Procedure. Subtle Launch.




2.1 God Yu Lakkem. The Thin Red Line.

2.2 The Plains. Scntfc.

2.3 something from conan





1.1 Brine. Scntfc.

1.2 Neptune? Not sure. Holst

1.3 Murky waters of the Rhine. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Wagner

1.4 The Four Seasons? Vivaldi

1.5 X? Arvo Part? 


sketches q4 2012


vignettes: the future - planetfall, the past